We are Great Place to Study!

We are certified with the GREAT PLACE TO STUDY certification, becoming the first educational institution in Magdalena to obtain this international recognition. This certification measures happiness as a tangible factor for educational communities and is a badge of honor awarded to institutions after conducting surveys to all members of their educational community and scientific data studies.

We are certified in happiness. We are Great Place to Study!

Recognition by the Secretary of Education in Santa Marta

Bureche School has been recognized as the unofficial campus of the city of Santa Marta, with the highest score accumulated in the last three years in the Saber 11 Tests, for which it was invited to join the District Committee for School Coexistence as established by Law 1620 from 2013.

Estudents throwing caps in the air

Internationally accredited by Cognia

We are internationally accredited by AdvancED (now Cognia), valid until 30 June 2022.
This is awarded to schools that meet the highest educational quality criteria in the training of their students under international standards, allowing us to offer the U.S. high school diploma to our graduates.

Cognia International Certification

National Championship Cheerleading Team

Our students from the cheerleading team, Bureche Stars, participated in the Masters Cheer - Dance competition in the city of Bogotá, where they placed 3rd on the podium. Thanks to their performance, they classified to participate in the School World Cheerleading Championship 2019 that took place in Orlando, Florida, winning 4th place among 300 teams.

Bureche Stars Cheerleading's Team

